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Big ginge

Big ginge the best person to ever exist and has a massive dipper

No way it’s big ginge

by Big ginge October 4, 2020


its ging bro

ging ging ging ging ging

by gingginggigngingignginggingign December 27, 2024


laugh very hard and much

"The joke was so funny, I was ging"

by amanda the honestly very cool April 24, 2023


A person who was red/orange hair. Often found to claim to be 'strawberry blonde', a similar hair colour.

Look at that ging.

by HUdy1267 July 24, 2017


a nuke that destroys planets

govebnment: we gonna llaunch a ging to boom planet 9
hah funy uts gona make conpiraacy thory

by nobobyaskedDONTGIVEONESHITBITC October 20, 2021


A Ging is an extremely, overwhelmingly gay dude who’s always on the prowl for dick. Usually lurking around in either broad daylight or behind your house, they just can’t get enough of that sweet sweet dick sweat nectar.

Jorn: “there goes that Ging again…”

Derk: “what a sad, sad man.”

by Sr. David Fallopiantube VIII June 22, 2023


Ging is what you want it to mean

Jamie is a ging merchant

I love ging

Ms do you have ging?

by Toomster February 7, 2023