Source Code

Marshall Bruce Mathers III

This is the real name of the white rapper, Eminem, who is a genius when is comes to writing lyrics down.

For the people who acutally know something about Eminem, and know his FULL name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III.

by ohmananotherword August 29, 2008

79๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Peniston McBonerface Cockvacuum III

1) The common referential title for Ed Fox
2) Fish-eating lesbian

"When I make a list of people whose lives are meaningless, I generally add Peniston McBonerface Cockvacuum III."


"Peniston McBonerface Cockvacuum III is so fucked, he doesnt even know."

by Endless Scholastic Torture December 9, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Frank Edwin Right III

Frank Edwin Right III, now known as Tre Cool is the drummer of the band Green Day, he is one very talanted man, believed to be the best drummer in the world! He is the godfather of Billie Joe Armstrong's 2 children, Jakob and Joseph.

I changed it because it sounded like a pack of hotdogs,because my dads name is Frank and so is my Grandpas so i changed Frank Edwin Right III to Tre Cool.

by Mrs. Cool January 4, 2006

38๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Leopold Aloysius Rammstein III

A nigger dragon from the 10th reich. He and Reichsmarschal Gรถring played penis swords in the Wolf's Lair latrine during vitally important meetings that were crucial to war efforts.

SS Guard: Heir Gรถring, they need you in the planning room sir, the allies plan on invading Normandy tomorrow.

Gรถring: .......yeah no thanks piss off you low ranked minion. I'm high on morphine and need to play penis swords with that dear sir, Leopold Aloysius Rammstein III.

by Penis Fencer On Guard ol' Chap September 15, 2019

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Stug III Ausf B

Tank with for no reason has a huge ass gun in Tier IV that will one shot you unless you're in a Tier V heavy, (You're screwed by ovepressure anyways in war thunder)

Oh god! a Stug III Ausf B! Oh wait im a KV-1

by WorldOfTanksGuy November 3, 2021

marshall mathers III

over-rated, over-opinionated sycophant that targets kids to make a quick buck by swearing and hating his parents

see eminem,50 cent and most R&B artists that have appeared over the last 5 years...

by Vikku March 24, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wangston R. Longshanks III

The best ever name for your johnson. Ever. Period.

She wanted to see Wangston R. Longshanks III, so I unzipped and whipped him out right there.

by Peter . Heineken May 9, 2008

17๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž