Source Code

nude girls

Girls who have no clothes on

The nude girls were getting ready for sex

by G3T R3KT October 20, 2014

36πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

"Nude Dude"

Pouch for supporting the male genitalia that is fitted to the body with no other strings or straps except the waistband. A brand of jockstrap from manufacturer "Jock Sock" popular during the 1950s and '60s.

It's a little known fact, but the trade mark character "Nude Dude" that advertised the eponymous brand of truss in comic books and men's magazines in the 1950's was based on a linocut portrait of Herman Melville from the frontispiece of his novel "Redburn", modified with short back and sides.

by Tummy Augratin August 24, 2006

25πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Nude Mary

A parody of Blue Mary from the Fatal Fury games that is complete naked. She appers in The Queen of Fighters XXX game (MUGEN)

Nick -Hey Ben, yesterday i downloaded the queen of fighters XXX-
Ben -and wich character you choose?-
Nick -Nude Mary of course!!-
Ben -Sweet!!!

by HUNK23 March 7, 2009

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Myspace Nude

Exposing as much of yourself as you can in your Myspace pictures, without breaking Myspace Terms of Service, by uploading pictures containing nudity

Jeff: Hey Jack, you seen Jane's new default pic?
Jack: No, whats it like?
Jeff: It's a Myspace Nude man
Jack: I'll check it out, shes HOT

by Johnnie_FixdMedia April 12, 2007

30πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Nude Codes

Typically codes found in video games that can't normally be access by normally means requiring mods/codes from code devices/disc/programs to access them.

I saw this wwf warzone topless wrestler nude code in a video on youtube that shows her being nude, makes you wonder what other nude codes are out there.

by darknessravemaster December 12, 2007

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Buttered nudes

Lubing yourself up whilst naked and sending pictures of yourself to lovers.

"Babe, I'm sad. Can you send some Buttered Nudes as a 'pick me up?"

by Filaddling sucks cock July 25, 2017


Looking back at old nudes to remember them old wanks

Cam β€œi’m gunna load up my old phone for some Nude-stalga”
Tom β€œnice bro send them over”

by Battista2033 February 2, 2021