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KYS means kick your son, if little Timmy is being naughty, KYS

Dad 2-Your son is being a meanie poo poo, KYS.
Dad 1- I already tried but he’s to squirmy.
Dad 3- here give him some of these pills to calm him down
(Gives unknown pills to Dad 1)
Dad 1- Okay
(Dad 1 goes home)
Dad 1- Okay Timmy where are you

Timmy- I’m over here
Dad 1- Okay take these
(Timmy karate chops them out of Dad 1’s hand, and shoves it down his throat)
News caster 1- Yesterday little Timmy viscously killed his father with pills.
News caster 2- And he has now been sent to a insane asylum for life.
News caster 1- He keeps saying my dad tried to KYS, then the cops taser him for telling them to kill themselves.
News caster 2- wow that kid has serious mental problems

by KYS_bitch January 5, 2020

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Keep yourself safe

john: "Kys out there man"
mark: "Thanks dude"

by TopShagger101 July 23, 2018

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KYS is an abbreviation for "keep yourself safe" or "kill your sorrows."

"I'm going on a long road trip"


by L O V E Y O U R S E L F October 1, 2018

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An overused abbreviation by teenagers that run out of arguments or can't take opinions and think that suicide is funny.

Person 1: I personally disagree with this popularity of Hetelia
Person 2: kys

by I gave up formal definitions January 12, 2018

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The shitty catchphrase popularized by the League of Legends player DyroniaVTZ, a salty booster including his outrageous deaths

/all Ky$

by Barneys Cousin January 6, 2017

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A short and clear abbreviation of kill yourself.

Tom Said, "Oi you cheeky cunt, KYS"

by Dazbous Linicus June 26, 2016

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Stands for "Koala You Slow"
Commonly used to describe airheads.
"Dana kys"
AKA: "Dana you're dense"

John hints to Dana the location of the treasure. Dana doesn't get it.
John: "Gosh Dana kys"

by Weowx123 May 28, 2020

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