One of the most beautiful girls you will ever lay your eyes on, She has a kind soul and kind brown eyes. There is no scenario where she does not look absolutely stunning. Her natural beauty outshines any other. She is kind, caring, creative and very artistic in multiple ways. Always puts other before herself and is extremely humble, she is not like anyone you will ever meet she is one in a million <3
Karina is a hot mess
She is amazingly smart and pretty.She smiles when you least expect it and she lights up the room with joy and happiness,If you have a Karina in your life I got to say your super lucky.
Damn why Karina got to be so beautiful?
Karina is a girl with a very wet pussy and she also has very nice tits. Better when fucked in a roommates bed.
I wanna fuck karina till she moans in my mouth mmmm yummy
/kəˈri nə/
To make a fetish of something, as Karinas often do.
To have an excessive and irrational commitment to or obsession with (something).
Karina, Just admit that you fetishize sick-looking fashion boys and go!
Epic girl who is beautiful (also an epic gamer)
Guy: Karina is an epic gamer
Guy2: Yeah lol
Karina is a sweet girl she is really good at keeping secrets and will always support you and she does not get upset easily if you have a friend karina you should love her!
Karina is a nice girl!
boy 1: who's that big booty latina??
boy 2: are you dumb? that's karina