Kenneth Yu is a an helpful caring, funny kid who will do anything for anyone who he considers a friend. But he will beat the shit out of any one who pissess him off
kenneth yu is a kenneth yu biatch
he is a hot boy that everyone likes and will most likely make it to the MLS. And it is easy for him to take your girl and fuck her
He is such a Kenneth Woods
God Kenneth Riggs said that my vibrato is too big, so I have to supress it in order to be in Jazz Choir.
Black Kenneth is not the be fuked with, he will bitch slap a whitey at any cost
fuk you ari We-are-poor aka Hitler, black Kenneth is now officially and very necessarily "running thannngs".
Kenneth Wilson Original age mythical stoner and black belt of shithousery that is the almighty all seeing eye and knows every answer on the existence of the earth because of what his mates dogs uncles son posted on Facebook last week.
He runs a highly informative platform that is well sought after called AsKKenny
“oh let’s asKKenny” “Kenneth Wilson is on one again”
Someone who will always come second in halo, named after the infamous Irish male player who's statistical rank in halo3 puts him at the only person on halo to get 2000 second place achievements in a row.
4👍 1👎