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Facebook liar

When someone puts a status about themselves even though you know the truth.

Steve says he has been to the gym everynight this week. I didn't know they had a gym at McDonald's. What a facebook liar.

by jspin1982 June 16, 2011

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liar bitch

when u a fake ass liar bitch , lying bout everything u have or said.

girl: i have an iphone 7.
me: liar bitch!!

by liar bitch April 30, 2018

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Liar for Christ

A Christian who ignores the Commandment against lying when they believe that it will benefit Christ, God, Christianity, or convert a non-Christian to Christianity, or one not of their particular sect to their sect.

You say Intelligent Design is not Creationism, but you're just a Liar for Christ.

by Emu Sam August 4, 2008

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any person that lies about age, sex, marital status; ect.
via e-mail ,IM ,e-chat

Rich: Man Kevin never should have lied to her about being single in that chat room.

Nick: Yeah the e-liar got e-dumped

by rich thiel January 10, 2007

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compulsive liar

somone who lies all the time, for attention and to seem cool.
Often stories are to farfetched to be true.
When confronted about such lies they will often try to make the story more believeable.
Do you know one?

tony(compulsive liar)
Guy(person who laughs at compulsive liar)
Guy: Mount everest is huge eh?
tony: I climbed it once.
Guy: No you didn't!
tony: Well not all the way but I was there.

by WO0DS January 4, 2010

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Liar and a cheat

The opposite of Gentleman and a scholar. That is, a joking diss. Often used to refute the claim that someone is a Gentleman and a scholar or vice versa.

Jack: I can't believe you did that, that's low...
Bob: What ever do you mean? I'm a gentleman and a scholar!
Jack: You sir, are nothing more than a Liar and a cheat.

by The Gentleman and scholar May 1, 2009

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You're Liared!

An expression used to expose a liar, often one who has had a long history of telling lies.

I called "You're Liared!" on the man who used to work with me since he spread lies regarding Liam. So thus, did his honor abandon him.

by Pseudonymous Johnson June 20, 2020