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Includes the following:

1. Youth/Ignorance - Naive, easily deceived, listen to mommy and daddy and what they say about the bad man in Washington D.C.

2. Self-entitlement mentality - The government owes me this and that. Gimme gimme gimme gimme. Fraudulent welfare checks and social security payments abound.

3. Foolishness - Let's give money to third world nations that won't use the money to help said nations - just to fuel those in power.

4. Apathy - nothing in the world is worth fighting for. Let everyone else suffer under tyrants as long as we have our drugs and our booze.

5. Prey on minorities - Vote for me, all you blacks and mexicans, and I'll put money that you didn't earn into your pockets! (NOT.)

6. Redistribution of wealth - take money from those who earn it and give it to those who don't do fuck all. See "entitlement mentality."

7. Irrationality - anyone who favors the other side or merely disagrees with a liberal is racist, politically incorrect, stupid, and naive for not having seen Fahrenheit 9/11 .

The state of this nation will not change with the presidency. The problems are still here - they didn't leave with George Bush. Everyone, especially liberals, wants to blame someone else for their problems, a scapegoat, if you will. The problem is the people. We have to better ourselves if we want a better future. No one is going to give it to us on a handout. It's not going to just drop out of Obama's ass like so many naive college students and Bush-haters believe. Everyone will have to work for it. Cut the liberal bullshit now.

by the Nucleo tide February 2, 2009

237๐Ÿ‘ 315๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bitch and whine about everything and are never happy, complain about how the government is doing things when they themselves would do fifty times worse. They are stupid and should never be listened to. They are manipulated by the Media and worship John Kerry.

Shut the fuck up you stupid liberals. God! Why don't you just shut up and suck my mother fuckin dick? Lame Asses. Fuckin losers. Bitch ass niggas!

by ME October 31, 2004

230๐Ÿ‘ 307๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most disgusting capitalists of all.

Especially Hollywood and all of their shameless crappy remakes.

Hollywood has no original thoughts or ideas but that doesn't stop them from re-packaging the same shit to us over and over again and taking our money from us(and for NOTHING I might add).

Greedy pukes!

by That's why I refuse to buy their shit. October 26, 2004

151๐Ÿ‘ 194๐Ÿ‘Ž


In American politics, a liberal is one who believes that more government is the answer to everything.

Government: "Just sign your life over to us, and we'll take care of everything..."

Liberal: "Okay!"

by isurus October 2, 2008

205๐Ÿ‘ 270๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dumbass americans who make the job of the current president 10 times more difficult than it should be with their protesting his every move.
People who have act un-patriotic, but get offended when they are called so. Even though they show no support for our troops overseas.
Hypocrites who would fly the american flag following 9/11 on their cars, offices, homes etc. but would denounce and be ashamed of it when our government tries to seek justice for the acts wronged.
Even bigger hypocrites for wanting to feel safe, and crying that we need to feel safer, but attack bush when he proposes a great idea that has been proven to work against terrorism.
Pot smoking hippies who rather put a tree's life or a dolphin's life before the life of his fellow american.
People who are ok with having lost 18 soldiers oversees, and for sake of losing face or another soldier decide not to seek justice and pull out. (That's you clinton)
Dumbasses who complain that bush shouldn't be in power, saying that he got placed by the supreme court, but who seem to forget that bush was rightly voted into office for the SECOND time in 04.
Angry and bitter people who are upset that they no longer have control of the government and most likely wont for a long long time.

"Did you see those liberals protesting against the war"?

"Yeah, they're also a member of the ACLU"

"That's funny, so they get to enjoy civil liberties, and fights when they are challenged, but they are against the people from the middle east having the same liberties?!"

"That's how they are, fucking hippies"

by porchmonkey August 20, 2006

225๐Ÿ‘ 300๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who cries publicly and demands that people care about their feelings, despite them not caring about the people they want to care about them.

Today's liberals are a joke compared to what the term used to mean.

by SwiftlyGifted June 21, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


In modern American terminology, a liberal is one who falls to the political left on most issues. These people, although good citizens, seem to enjoy muckraking and slandering most of the time. They say they like America and her laws and policies, but they end up just protesting, which is ok, but they tend to do it negatively. Overall, the modern use of the word liberal is just an insult, such as calling one a jackass, which, coincidentally, is the Democratic Party's symbol.

That guy listens to phish records, smokes pot, and is a public nuisance. He must be a liberal.

ps, im not conservative.

by Enlightened America March 23, 2005

241๐Ÿ‘ 326๐Ÿ‘Ž