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Los Prisioneros

Are a highly political rock band from Chile formed in the early 80's. They became the most outspoken and political rock band of south america. They broke up in 1991 after much mainstream (for once) success but reunited in 2001 and started touring, recording new music, etc. again. They are still very popular to this very day, and their last album "Manzana" has been a hit since it came out in late 2004.

*singing* Y no me digas *gets interrupted*....Hey, you like them? oh I dont know who they are, but I love this song. What?? its Los Prisioneros idiot!

by Mike Betancourt October 2, 2005

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los vegas

Los Vegas refers to Las Vegas and expresses how in Las Vegas typical rules are not necessarily followed or obeyed. The word "vegas" in Spanish is feminine so the "las" is meant to precede it by the rules of Spanish grammar.

So, to express how conventional rules are broken in Las Vegas, Los Vegas can be used to also refer to the city.

Instead of the saying, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," one could express the same saying, "What happens in Los Vegas stays in Los Vegas."

by Kt Bate November 9, 2009

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Los Ghettos

A snarky nickname for the upper class wealth-ghetto of Los Gatos in the County of Santa Clara in California which is in close proximity to the San Francisco Bay Area in the beautiful foothills of the Santa Cruz mountains.

Let’s take a little road-trip to β€˜git down’ in Los Ghettos and grab ourselves some long overdue R and R!

by Dr Bunnygirl June 1, 2021

Los Angeles

1. The short version of the full name "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Poriuncula," which is what the city was originally called.

2. The city that represents California to the rest of the country. In reality, Los Angeles is as dissimilar as it is possible to be from the rest of the state.

3. An amazing city that is resented by people in most other parts of the country for assorted reasons. Supposedly, we're all liberal, weed-smoking, anorexic gangsters who drive around in SUVs with a Starbucks fat-free latte permanently grasped between our manicured fingers and dream of making it big in Hollywood one day.

Okay, maybe not all at once.

LA does have a lot of suburbs, but over time they've all sort of melted together. It is divided roughly into two main regions. The City is south of the Hollywood Hills and The Valley is north of them (there's no definite line, but you usually know which one you're in. I generally go by whether you're north or south of Mulholland. Probably if you haven't been to LA you don't know what I'm talking about). Some sub-cities in The City are West Hollywood, Hollywood, Downtown, Santa Monica, and Beverley Hills. Some in The Valley are Studio City, Pasadena, Burbank, Encino, Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, and Valley Village.

Truths: Usually you don't see people walking like in New York. We drive. There are tons of freeways. There is a lot of traffic and you have to learn how to navigate so that you don't get stuck on the 10 freeway for six hours. This city is immensely cosmopolitan. We have slums. We have gangs. We have good restaurants. We have many studios such as Disney, Paramount, Nickelodeon, etc. There's smog, but it's just sitting on the horizon, not bothering anyone. In fact, it makes the sunsets beautiful. We're not as superficial as people think. Our public transportation is horrible. Our public school system is broke. Our weather is perfect 99.99999% of the time. If we have more than two days of nonstop rain local news stations start a StormWatch2000 segment. People here are nice. If you pass someone on the street they will say hello and sometimes even ask you how you're doing. We have really nice museums such as the Getty Center, LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art), and the La Brea Tar Pits (better than it sounds). We have beaches. It is not surprising to see someone getting arrested or to sit a table away from an actor/actress at a restaurant. We're pretty laid back people. You will never run out of stuff to do here. I can't think of any place I would rather live.

Misconceptions: Hollywood is NOT THAT GREAT. If you come here you would be better off at The Grove. Many of us are, in fact, aware of the state of humanity. All of the good theme parks are in Florida. Our Universal Studios and Disneyland get old fast. We're not that obsessed with plastic surgery. We don't have big earthquakes that often, though there are minor ones now and then. I've only been in one serious quake, so all you east coast people can stop freaking out.

Los Angeles isn't as horrible as people think it is. In fact, it's probably one of the less horrible cities in this country. I quite like it.

by No one in particular May 27, 2006

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Lo Lo Bromio or Bromios

A feeling only achievable by ingesting large amounts of ramen and peaches and Woodchuck Cider. It is a higher state of consciousness. It is a loss of all control to an instinct ruled by violence, blood, sex, and some other great things such as chaos. It's highly recommended.

September 10th, 2009

Can be used as Lo Lo Bromio or Bromios

"Don't be smad, just have some Lo Lo Bromios."



by Nojid September 11, 2009

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Los Capitanes

Canberra based ska band from Australia. Their first album was called No Butts, and their debut album is called No Fun Intended, released in 2006. Includes catchy songs such as Surfin' ACT, Scene Queen and Don't Know Jack. Most of the lyrics are satirical/sarcastic. Made up of seven talented members all from around Canberra. Commonly reffered to as Los Caps, an abbreviation of their name.

Los Capitanes rocked that show!

by suicidal education August 18, 2006

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Camp Lo

A) Probably the greatest Hip-Hop duo to never have the glory of being widely known. Hailing from the Bronx, (Diamond) Sonny Chiba and (Emerald) Geechie Suede innovated a style of rap that transcends innumerable musical boundaries. The beats are mostly produced by Ski (Famous for Jay-Z's 'Dead Presidents'), and the lyrics are composed almost completely of blaxploitation and dadaist slang which requires an astute ear and extremely prolific intelligence to comprehend. They've released three albums in the U.S. to date, each one progressing further towards divinity than the former. Anything else you hear about Camp Lo is pure speculation. The Legend continues....

B) Nickname for Camp Lemonier, Center for U.S. Forces in the Horn of Africa located in Djibouti coined by a Venezuelan Marine.

A) Nothing in existence has flow like Camp Lo.

B) Marine #1: This place would suck balls if it wasn't called Camp Lo.
Marine #2: True dat.

by Chico Corrales April 6, 2008

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