Source Code

Louise Schilling

Since when does R come before T?

"A B C D E F G H I J K L M O P Q T S R U V W X Y Z" - Louise Schilling

by Tammy Tender October 11, 2011

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a condom from france, usually very long ,come in different alcohol taste, and has dark purple color

1: did you bring your marie-louises?
2: of courseee man, i brought all the diferent flavors!!
1: lets get us some fun

by phillippe francis April 26, 2008

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Louise town

A place full of loose hoes and crack addicts. If she’s from Louise she got AIDS. Louise people are just straight nasty.

Person 1: Bro you heard of that girl from the Louise Town, she got AIDS while fucking the town drunk?
Person 2: Don’t tell me man, I can smell her from here!
Person 1: So can I !

by GanadoIndian69 March 14, 2019

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Means she is very sweet inside and has an amazing boyfriend she gives the nicest hugs and loves her friends and boyfriend more than anything she has hazel eyes and brown hair and a heart the size of a basketball

OMG is that grace-louise

by Grace.321 December 10, 2016

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Mhairi-louise is a beautiful girl. Everybody loves her and wishes they were her. She usually goes for older guys and is never compleatly satisfied with herself. Shes always making people laugh. She can be a flirt but is usually caring and kind.

Girl1: omg I just lost my best friend

Girl2: bet that's mhairi-louise

by Bobmanjencken October 24, 2013

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Jean Louise

A rockstar
Drunken Master

Jean Louise is the best

by ms.paranoid1 June 9, 2021

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kayleigh louise :)

hi kayleigh louise :) it’s hazel lol

kayleigh louise :) is the best

by hazellol October 28, 2019

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