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if your a theo you should find a macy she's such a hotty\sexy female loving, really good at cuddling u already now so theos find a freaking macy now

oh look there a macy hell ya

by dukiiiishhh October 7, 2018

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


An ugly girl that usually has blond short hair and is a gold digger and only flirts with gay boys. She is a bitch. And hates every girl named "Kimber". She also is a spoiled brat. She usually would like boys named "Kade". Or "Nick".she also does horrible tiktoks but thinks she is good at it.

Ugh, Maci should go die in a hole with Nick and eat his hole.

by VπŸ˜—βœŒοΈ February 3, 2020

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


1: sings songs about space nuggets.
2: sings songs to her P.E. coach.
3: is a tard.
4: laughs at people who use too much soap.
5: has a sister named bob ross.

β€œOH MY GOD she’s SUCH a Maci! Look at her singing to Coach Smith and laughing at the girl playing with soap!”

by bigb00ty107 March 24, 2018

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A blonde that has no common sense and is pretty dumb. You may mistake her for a horse when you first see her and she has an underbite when she laughs. But she can be a good friend if you give her a sugar cube. These are normally for Macy's that have the last name cardwell. Also they normally fall in love with guys named steven. Or someone with the nickname eof big nasty. All Macy's have crusty faces and necks.

EW look at that girl she must be a Macy

EW did that girl just gallop she must be a Macy

That girl has a putrid stinch coming off her she must be a Macy

by Reds0014 October 23, 2014

6πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

macy crook

the definition of disabilities including; dyslexia, OCD, ADHD, autism ect ect

*looses treasure wars game*
girl1: (starts clapping randomly)
girl2: bro why u being macy crook

by it’s 3:34 April 16, 2020

macy r

The biggest snitch and bitch in history. Never has your back, and turns on her closest friends.

Fuck macy r

by Shalyn H and Meadow R December 9, 2019

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Macy Walton

Macy Walton, a name or word for such an amazing person, a person that the boy who made this word is heavily in love with, Macy Walton is such an amazing person, their smile makes you feel so giddy and happy, they have such an easy-going and funny personality, even if their jokes are corny and recycled, they somehow still make you laugh and smile, a Macy Walton's favorite color is yellow, they LOVE to dance, they've been doing it for 10+ years, a Macy Walton is easily the best person to slide into your life and you should be grateful you have her, a Macy Walton is easily the most beautiful person you've ever met and you've been hooked on to her since you met her. A Macy Walton is so energetic and fun, you never get bored of hanging around her, even her voice is absolutely perfect, and when a Macy Walton turns on her favorite boy band or singer, she'll start singing and dancing over the facetime, A Macy Walton may have a Mr.Styles cardboard cutout but you still love her to the end

Hey have you met the new girl, yeah she's a Macy Walton, easily the most perfect person I've ever met

by Xaviiii March 10, 2022