Source Code

More Dakka

Proper response to any questions that ask whether you have enough firepower/dakka. The answer is always more

Officer: You think we got enough firepower facing that ridge? Sergeant: No way, More Dakka!

by EjectedCasings April 2, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

no more pot

The three saddest words in the herban dictionary.

Liz:Pack another bowl, Ruby!
Ruby:No more pot.

by Liz420666 October 5, 2004

23πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

The dream and more

When life surprises you, going beyond your wildest expectations, showering your existence with the most unexpected blessings.

On the telephone:
β€” Who is it?
Hey Clark itΒ΄s me... Peter."
β€” "Hey Bro! Still suicidal depressed?"
"No man... shit no more."
β€” "What happened... the lotto?"
Much better: The dream and more!"
β€” "How so?"
β€” "Sweet!"

by rperazag July 1, 2010

22πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

more cowbell

Generally speaking, when it becomes apparent that either a person or group of people need to step up their game.

If we're going to kick the crap out of those guys in HR at this year's softball tournament, we're gonna need more cowbell!

by Pants Vader November 28, 2007

74πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

More Piccer

A term used to describe a particularly hot man or women on a social networking site (e.g. social me, zoosk) that prompts you to click on their more picture link to view their other pictures. Closely linked to secret minger.

"I saw this fit bloke on social me last night, he was definitely a more piccer"

by SSSofficial December 1, 2009

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Moring Fuckon

What a dyslexic person calls a moron.

My English teacher is such a Moring Fuckon for flunking me!

by Quentin Tarentino June 7, 2020

More equally

A comparative concept that implies an increased level of fairness, balance, or uniformity in the distribution of resources, opportunities, or rights among individuals or groups.

In order to promote social justice, it is essential to strive for a society where opportunities and resources are distributed more equally among all individuals.

by Marrzzy June 3, 2023