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Non-Flushable Turd

All of my turds are NFTs. Non-Flushable Turds!

by not really me SF March 15, 2022


A crappy glorified JPEG of a furry OC smoking a cigarette or whatever sold at an exorbitantly large price fabricated from environmental hatred, a fuck ton of electricity, a lot of pixels, and a small pinch of creativity. Artists of these garbage heaps tend to avidly defend methods to get them for free, such as screenshotting (even though it's completely legal) and using right click>save as.

Did you see that NFT for sale?
Yeah, it was like a really pixelated Mona Lisa.

by guymcguyperson December 23, 2021


Nice Flappy Titties -jake2r

Yeah, I like NFT they sit well on my face.

by LittleTwinckle March 22, 2022


non-functioning testicle

I belive NFT's are worth nothing - Ghoxz
Too bad u own a pair of them - dion.

by Lyoni#1beamer January 22, 2022


Non fungible token, can be used as an insult that means ape.

This guy's a fucking NFT

by m44 February 14, 2022


slang for "boring" and "overpriced"

"Hey, Rick. Did you catch The Batman in IMAX?"

"I thought about it but Rotten Tomatoes said it was an NFT."

by Woah, Black Betty--Bramble Jam May 13, 2022


After cooper goodeve crashed his mountain bike, his nut got ripped off by his bike tyre. After days of searching his nut was never found and lies in its resting place. Cooper is now known as NFT which means a range of things like NO FUCKING TESTICLE, NON FUNCTIONAL TESTICLE etc.

Ha! Shame cooper, you have a NFT and will never get a boyfriend.

by Jack Scott is gay February 28, 2022