A ginger bitch ass nigga you got the declining hairline from. Or you don't know him.
Y/N: "yo, whats your dads hair color?"
Me: "he's a ginger."
*everyone in the school bullies you*
A "Your Mom" type insult typically used referring to someone's father going to get milk and never coming back.
Your dad is my favorite fictional character. He's fictional because he went to get milk 7 years ago and hasn't come back.
a mystical creature, with the calling of "father figure". legends told this creature had been on the mission to get the true unexpiring cum-like liquid with a sweet taste, the milk.
dude 1: yo bro my dad found the milk
dude 2: cap your dad hasn't been back for 25 years
has a huge peen
he smashed me last night
it was plesherful
he likes to give it to little girls
he was fucking a little girl he has a huge one.oh it must be your dad
you as a person need to understand that your father is never going to come back and you need to accept that beacuse you cant just whine like a 5 year old. I say MAN UP YA FU--ING TWAT CUZ HES NOT COMMING BACK.
kid: hey wheres your dad?
you: idk
kid: how dont you know?
you: every time i ask my mom she says he is going to get the milk
kid: im so sorry
you: thank you