Olivia’s are thicckky
They’re totally hot and Adrian’s really love them. Plus anyone named Ben really missed out.
“Adrian: wow did you see how thiccc Olivia looked today?”
“Ben: yeah, I regret not giving her a chance”
One of the most beautiful girls you'll ever meet. She's very awkward but cute and whenever you tall to her you'll feel happy inside. When she's happy, you're happy. She means the world to the people closest to her and she easily makes friends. She is incredibly intelligent even though she might not realize it. Sometimes she needs emotional support because her mental state isn't that good, but who's is? You love when she tells you her feelings and emotion because her trust is all you'd ever need. I love her very much and wish the best for her.
I love Olivia!
Olivia is a beautiful young girl who will do any thing for others. She is seen with a smile on her face, but sadly this is just to fit in. In reality she has many problems about herself and just needs some one to love.
Olivia is so beautiful .
Olivia is a Sweet, Sassy, Gorgeous, Funny, Loving, Down to Earth person you’ll ever meet. Most Olivia’s end up with a guy named MATTHEW, SAMUEL, CHRIS, OWEN, JACOB, CODY, RICHARD, or BLAKE
Olivia is cool but her ace gets Red when she sees her guy. She loves to go skate, watch a movie, eat, play on her phone, and hang out with friends. Every time she sees a guy that likes her she makes it hard for them to get her, although she lives the feeling of someone liking her. She loves the outdoors and prefers White jeans over black. Olivia is a special someone and I swear every Olivia has a side that nobody ever sees. If you know an Olivia take the time to ask her, “Do you have a side that you hide from everyone, be honest I won’t pry into it after you tell me” she will say yes I PROMISE. Olivia’s don’t take shit from anyone and she WILL get revenge no matter what. Don’t ever get on an Olivia’s bad side because once she’s gone she is NEVER coming back. I am an Olivia and I’m from Missouri and am in 9th grade. I hope you guys understand this is COMING FROM an OLIVIA so just know this is all true. Be there for your Olivia and never let her go no MATTER HOW MUCH she PUSHES YOU AWAY. Your Olivia loves you unless you’re someone she hates but either way an Olivia is a real one and you really might want to keep her.
Do you see Olivia over there hitting that girl? Dang she really is getting revenge on her....
beautiful red hair with piercing blue eyes, usually tall and cares lots about her friends, she loves drama but won’t spill your “tea”, and 1 last thing... don’t make her mad.
gossip girl- “omg Olivia beat up some thot yesterday”
Olivia is interesting. She's quiet and shy but loud and outgoing. She has a killer sense of humour and is the prettiest girl I've ever met. She has a smile only angels can beat and that not it. She can dance like the world isn't watching. But one thing is, she is very private and finds it difficult to trust people who have hurt her in the past. She is very protective over her friends and finds it difficult to let things go. She's very self-conscious most of the time and can't help but think she's ugly even though she's the most beautiful person I've ever met. She has her times when she'll snap or have a breakdown and that's when she needs her friends. She's a VERY sensitive person so be mindful of her feelings because Olivia's tend to keep their feelings hidden. She had dazzling blue eyes and beautiful curly brown hair Rejecting a Olivia is a total no-no!
And if you think this is total bogus, it's really not. I'm an Olivia myself but I'm writing this about another Olivia I know. She is THE most amazing person I know. So really, don't go and leave those Olivias!
Girl 1: Is that Olivia? She's so pretty.
Girl 2: I know and she's the funniest person I've ever met!
Girl 1: I really want to be friends with her!
She maybe shy and quiet but don’t let that get in you way, she mostly a bad ass, shes doesn’t put up with people’s shit.
But she’s a beautiful caring girl if u dont get on her bad side