'pg-ness' (P-G-NESS) (Adjective)
"The visual composition of a virtual environment that is informed by real world data such as lidar, photogrammetry data, or other methods; to ground color, scale, and structure."
"This room is missing something in it's pg-ness."
Post game sadness
similar to the sadness of when you finish a series but in this syndrome its more nostalgic. To when you remember the theme song to your childhood game that you played with your mates
*Black ops 1 zombies theme song*
*starts crying when remembering playing black ops one zombies with older brother *
PGS: The sadness when remembering that one video game you played as a kid
Stands For PAPA GANG SHIT, was created and founded by one and only
KINGCHARLESPGS GRR POW You already know how we coming AKPGS to they mouth 3+3 now they 6 ft deep fucking niggas aunts left and right GRR POW
Peace Gardens Scum:
a group of people that hang about on peace gardens.
Majority are not to be worried about as most of them are only young.
The older ones can be viscious and randomly attack other members of the PGS.
The PGS are over there.
The PGS are high as kites.
Im part of the PGS.
I'm Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F0 F11 F12 PrtScSysRq PauseBreak Ins Del `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+ Backspace Home Tab qwertyuiop{}\| Pg Up Caps Lock asdfghjkl;:'" Enter Pg Dn Shift zxcvbnm,<.>/? Shift End Crtl Fn Alt Alt Gr Crtl, i don't know what to do.