A mystical creature. A rare gem that comes along once in a lifetime. He will be of girthy size with massive hands. A slight glisten of precipitation all over his body. If you meet this creature get on your hands and knees and blow the shit out of him because your life can’t get any better.
Also commonly known as a bunch of slap dick employees wasting there life away at a dead end job, making no money and blowing each other for food, cigarettes and drugs
“Who’s that Otter Paw over there? I want to stick my pinky in his stinky and play hide the pickle, tickle, tickle, tickle.”
noun: last resort description for a woman's crotch area when "camel toe" or "moose knuckle" won't do.
"Camel toe, moose knuckle? That bitch's got a fuckin elephant paw. I bet her pussy's so big that you'd have to strap a board to your ass so you won't fall in!"
Keep poking in my cage and you’re gonna get yourself pawed up.
Htoohtoo is a name originates from Thailand, meaning gold/wealthy. They are usually chill to be around, but can also be very fun. They keep to themselves and usually only her close friends or family know what she’s up to. Ok
Wow htoohtoo paw is so chill lmao
When ones hands have been in contact with the gluten, making them unsafe for touching anything to be eaten.
Get your filthy gluten paws away from my food!
When you put your hand in ice, then fist someone
I double frosty pawed her and it was awesome!
Someone who can jerk off a guy while he sleeps
I tell you she is a soft paws she wanted me off and I did not wake up