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The best rapper ever. DUH!

$peak-EZ is a good rapper my bro

by $peak-EZ February 2, 2021

Ego Peak

In first-person shooters where you peak around a corner with your ego rather than your brain

AYO! Watch me ego peak this! *gets headshot*

by Yup Kup May 26, 2022


Having a peak in stress, anxiety, frustration, and more usually causing a mental breakdown.

Can also be short for "Freakout Peak"

"I'm really having a Freak-Peak cause of all these exams."

by Grey_Kid April 23, 2021

Micro - Peak

When you're having a good time, and break the barrier into euphoria just for a second.

Jerry was in the taxi on the way to club and his fucking favourite song came on. He 'Micro - Peak'ed.

by Micropeaker121 May 24, 2017

Peak Bike

A peak bike is someone who is always 'peaking'/paranoid about something or other, or is just peaky and bait to be around.

Jackson: "Hey guys, did you hear that? I think we're being followed"

Everyone: "God Jackson you're such a peak bike"


Justin: "Hey you know what lads I'm gonna roll a joint"

Everyone: "You're such a peak bike Justin, we're sitting right outside the police station"

by Yaooo March 10, 2013


When a poop exits the anus and then re-enters because of a loud noise or an unexpected scare.

Last night I was pooping during the thunderstorm and lightning hit the tree outside the bathroom, needless to say I had a peak-a-poop.

by poopetrator March 1, 2012

Pikes Peak

A really fucking tall mountain in Colorado, cause some guy called Pike climbed it and people where like "Hm yes lets name this mountain after him."

Guy 1: "Yo homie, wanna climb Pikes Peak."
Guy 2: "Nah bro, I broke all my fucking bones taking a shit yesterday."

by PopeChad June 25, 2022