A douchebag sales term for bringing in more leads or customers.
Person A: Made a lot of great sales at work today!
Person B: Stuffing the pipeline, I see! Rad!
When two dudes are having buttsex and one dude ejaculates into the other guy's ass while the catcher ejaculates on the floor.
"I heard Will and Taylor performed a milk pipeline last night while they were having buttsex. It was a perfectly timed execution."
The use of crushed iceberg lettuce (lettuce consisting of 95% water) for lubrication in sodomy, better known as anal sex.
Blake used the Georgian Pipeline with his girlfriend Bani - there was little to no blood!
When your sibling cums into a condom and freezes it. Later, the condom is taken out of the freezer and used as a dildo.
Ian: Last night my sister wanted a Cumberland Pipeline, so I jacked off to a Hannah Montana music video.
Jen: How did your sister like it?
Ian: She still prefers the Alaskan Pipeline.
Toilet to shower method of masturbating.
Sean said he likes to start his fap sessions off while sitting backwards on the toilet with an empty cardboard toitlet paper holder around his unit. He then backpeddles away from the throne and pivots into the shower where he climaxes in the soap tray. Its only after his engorged member has returned to its flaccid state that he can remove the cardboard and complete his Baxter Pipeline session.
the art of shitting into a meat grinder and grinding it over your girl or man.
frank: bro me and my girl did a peruvian pipeline last night
phil: thats fucking disgusting
You stick a shit filled bag pipe into someone’s anus and proceed to play a tune
I enjoy doing the Scotland pipeline with my mum and uncle