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A person who is usually known as a beta human being.

Wow Polly you're such a beta.
James is so alpha

by alphamalejames November 13, 2018


best name ever. also a good nirvana song

person 1: what’s your favourite nirvana song?

person 2: mine is polly. it’s a good name for a child too

by pollybynirvana April 8, 2021


Polly is a very beautiful girl probably the most beautiful girl you’ve meet. She is known for her beautiful visuals and vocals she looks like a Angel and sings like a angel. She is a very shy girl that attracts boys boys will fall in love with her stunning eyes and her beautiful visuals. She is extremely funny and nice. She is the most funniest friend in any friend group. She is sometimes a psycho but not in a bad way... anyways she is such a amazing angel she is very shy on the outside but on the inside she is such a extremely funny girl that loves to be with her friends. All the boys and girls in her school loves her and wish they are as beautiful as Polly, Every one will want to be her friend. She is very shy and everyone loves that about her maybe because her visual are so amazing and her vocals sounds like a angel. Polly, is such a pretty girl that sounds like a angel!

Person 1 : I wish I was her she’s so pretty!

Person 2 : Hahaha! Polly is the most funniest girl I met!

Person 3 : Polly’s voice is so calming :)

Person 4 : I wish she notices me.

by XChocolateX 2.0 February 19, 2021


A victim.

Man: Hey, what happened when you went to Madrid?
Kai: I touched Polly

by You already know who this is. August 29, 2019


amelies sister
she really is the best most nicest person on this planet and damn she is cool

woah did u see polly she is hot as

by June 4, 2021


a short little bitch

wow, i'm being such a polly

by annapolly April 11, 2020


Shes very mean. She likes to hit people & she’s very abusive. She likes gacha life.

Yo look there’s Polly hitting someone again”

by heppepepeoepro November 20, 2023