Me:"I cant believe pure poverty has 31k followers, people actually like that guy?"
Used to describe the combination of milk and ice in a bowl to simulate cereal, usually when there is no other option available.
Man, I ran out of Apple Jacks! Guess I'll make some 'Poverty Crunch'.
You ever put ice and milk together man? I love 'Poverty Crunch'!
Poverty 69 is a mocking name of an Indian Discord mod “Love 19”
Having to do with poverty, or subjects of povert properties.
Bernie speaks out against povertial issues.
The person who grew up in the community and learned to make a nice income along with expenses for pulling the strings on elected officials with liberal white guilt. The poverty pimp carry's a small film crew with every where they go but modestly states hates being on camera or in the news. . The poverty pimp never spends any of their own money to give out food or help with utility bills. Often takes vacations charged as educational junkets to meet a lover in another state or country at the expense of the none profit they formed. That nonprofit is nothing but a paycheck mill for the poverty pimp and the poverty pimps family. Stirs up division and hate by playing the race card every chance the pimp gets. Always trying to drive a wedge between the races because that's how they support themselves.
The poverty pimp told the white business owner she would drive him out of the neighborhood if he didn't contribute to her none profit and yes... it actually happened.
When your team goes 0-4 without kyren williams and thinks they are contending.
Kiss me Kelce is a poverty franchise.
The money earned from playing the lottery, bingo, sweepstakes or any form of gambling that requires minimal physical exertion and even less education.
The idiots won their poverty pension in Vegas then moved to Florida.