A social prostitute is someone who is well known and is friends with many clients. The origin of the word comes from sex workers who work the corner. Prostitutes are people who can be picked up by anyone, anywhere, and for a low cost. This differs from a social escort who only have high end clients (only certain groups of people that they will associate with) and will not negotiate on lowering their price.
Ryan Bedell has talked to three people just on his way to the bathroom. How does he even know so many people? He is such a social prostitute!
A young girl who's not old enough to be a slut, but she is one.
Janis: What is this smell?
Cady: Oh, Regina gave me some perfume.
Janis: You smell like a baby prostitute.
Cady: Thanks!
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One who provides emotional fulfullment for another person in exchange for money or goods. This may be accomplished where the Emotional Prostitute pretends to care or actually cares about the customer's emotional issues.
I am an Emotional Prostitute. For fifty dollars I will listen to your problems and make you believe I actually care.
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A lowly form of income for destitute college students, involving the completion of online or mail-in surveys and questionnaires for some kind of compensation, usually monetary in nature. Oftentimes, the actual content of the answers to the survey has been fabricated to make the survey taker (student) eligible to receive the compensation.
A: "Hey dude, how'd you make all that money?"
B: "Survey prostitution, man!"
A: "What's that?"
B: "It's where I take surveys for money!"
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Typically given to those in the restaurant and hospitality business; going to great lengths to get tipped. This includes flirting, manipulating and just about anything to give the illusion that we'll hook up with you for your cash.
Did you just see how she was eye fucking him? She's a professional food prostitute!
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The politacally correct diffenition of a 'speed whore'. A female doper that trades sexual favors for crystal meth and other drugs. A dope skank.
Sally will do anything for meth, she is such an amphetamine prostitute.
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A political prostitute is being defined as a person who is bearing more than one political parties membership card.
He or she may belong to a ruling party and maybe giving a policy office, but as soon as that party lose election, he quickly denounce his membership and joins a new elected party into office.
Such is term as political prostitute or where.
A political prostitute is being defined as eg sarpong belongs to NDC party today 2016 because it is the party in government.
Come November 7 elections, NPP wins the election and sarpong turn from NDC and join NPP.
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