The philosophical principle that any and all extraordinary, outrageous, or otherwise controversial video content, featured on the social media app TikTok, should immediately be consider fake and fabricated for clout unless otherwise proven real beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Tim: Hey Bob, did you see this crazy Tiktok video? I can't believe something like that happened!
Bob: Well, that's because it probably didn't. Tiktok's Razor!!
Whatever trends towards absurdity is the most likely outcome of any given event.
The past decade provided numerous examples of Elon's Razor such as, but not limited to, Brexit, Trump's 2016 win, Boris Johnson's ascendancy to PM, Gamestop's Stock "Going to the moon," the far-right storming the American Capitol in an effort to overturn an election based on a lie that the election was stolen from Trump despite no evidence indicating so, etc.
The most entertaining outcome is the most likely
Trump coming back to Twitter is just an example of elon's razor.
Razor Racing is when you are in a hurry so you shave really fast that it's like your razor is racing.
Girl One- To make it to the party I had to Razor Race.
Girl One- I almost didn't make it, I was in such a hurry that I was razor Racing
Girl Two- How did you make it on time?
Girl One- I Razor Raced
Spin the razor is a game (usually played by teens), involving a razor and your pubic hair. Players take turns to spin the razor on a flat surface, and the two people that it is pointing at must shave off each others pubic hair. Usually ends in blood and tears.
You guys want to play Spin the razor on the weekend?
Hey, I heard Chad played spin the razor with his girlfriend last night. I swear he's lost his bulge!
when you have a kidney stone in your urethra then you jerk off so when you cum it cuts up the inside of your penis
cystinuretic: dude i’ve got a kidney stone in my dick
guy2: you should try a razor jerk
a word used to describe a really hot guy; sexy; hot; clean shaven sexy boy; gorgeous guy.
"that boy is razor fresh."
"dayum that boy is razor fresh!"