The Corsairs usually are based around After the Flash: Deep Six. This faction has replaced B3 in lore of th game. Along with that they are secretly allied to the MEB and are super edgy pirates that literally any LPM will tell you that they're better. because most looms are biased when it comes to Corsairs
Reuben's Corsairs looted the pawn shop.
A raging reuben is an exciting sexual maneuver that requires considerable strength, control, and planning. The steps to performing the raging reuben (or just the rueben) are as follows:
1. Assume a standing 69 position as you are reaching climax.
2. Finish.
3. Remove your genitalia from your partners mouth. (Very important as not doing so could result in serious bodily injury.)
4. Piledriver!
When performed correctly, the rueben builds upon the already powerful sexual tension, and allows you to incorporate aspects of amateur wrestling.
John: "I gave my wife a Raging Reuben during intercourse last night. She went straight to sleep."
The act of taking 10 men at the same time, through all means. The one person (the Reuben) will be led down submissively whilst 10 men proceed to perform sexual acts on the person simultaneously.
I was doing a Reuben the other day, 10 men and a lot of mess
Reuben Buttrey is the cutest and sweetest man you will ever meet. Reuben Buttrey is seen as the best Among us and Fortnite player in the school of KGV and will always be seen in the community. Whenever walking by Reuben your heart is stricken by love and gives you butterflies in your stomach. Reuben is the guy that walks down the hallway in school with everyone taking photos and praising his appearance. Reuben gets all the girls and whenever making eye contact your heart skips a beat. Straight out of a movie this Reuben buttery guy is.
Wow Reuben Buttrey is one type of guy
Girl 1: He is so cute look how he walks with that fortnite "floss like a boss shirt'
A person who is extremely retarded and likes rolling down the hill with a girl called Isabella.
Reuben Teo is a retard.
A young man that like men, normally ones with black hair and look depressed
Wow, i think that guy is a reuben beasley