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ronni G

A pimp ass motherfucka who likes taxidermy, especially buffalo, hawk, and moose beetle recreations. World champion wiener eater, twelve at once. Dislikes liver of aquatic mammals and avian reptiles. RONNI G IS LOVE, RONNI G...is life.

ronni G is my everything.

ronni G makes me feel whole

If only ronni G were here to give us world peace, everything would be okay.

Have you seen the reality tv show, "Everybody Hates ronni G" ?

by Ronni G$$ July 9, 2014

Ronnie Coleman

Ronnie Coleman is the King of bodybuilding. The greatest of all time. He won 8 consecutive Mr. Olympia titles and squatted 800 solid ass pounds for 2 reps, although he could have easily squeezed out another 1 or 2. Light weight baby. Yea buddy. Ain’t nothing but a peanut. Time to bleed. Just basic stuff.

Ronnie Coleman squatted 800 solid ass pounds!

by Gym Fail Nation November 23, 2021

Ronny McDiesel

A nickname for someone who is acting like a sick perv
(Obviously a Ronald mcdonald type of weirdo)

Ohh that’s not cool, back up back way up, Ronny McDiesel..

by pseudonympho March 2, 2022

Ronny Bear

Getting your ass jerked off by a stripper at the pleasure dome

The bachelor received the best Ronny Bear of his life

by Showmeyourpoopchute August 27, 2017

ronnie flex

a dutch rapper famous for his single energie

woah ronnie flex sucks bro

by nee yaveee March 21, 2018

Ronny Don's

Slang for McDonalds.

Ronny Don's anyone?

by Tunak Tunak Tun July 16, 2018

Ronnie Drew

A Ronnie Drew is when an older gentleman rubs his rugged manly beard vigorously against his wife's bristly anus.

Jaysis Noeleen, Tommy he bleedin Ronnie Drew'd the life out me.

I'd love an aul Ronnie Drew off that fella.

by White Phlegm Thrower July 8, 2016