Source Code


When runescape is just better then you are

<%Darkdog307> I LOST AGS
<%Darkdog307> i'm crying irl
<%Darkdog307> not joking
<%Darkdog307> FUCK MY LIFE
<%`TOR> you got runescaped

by `TOR September 25, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A HIGHLY addictive game. Spent years of my life on it, and finally quit because (a) I was too lazy to actually put in the time and effort it takes to make money, and (b) because I decided it was stupid and wasn't real. Many, MANY people have become addicted to this game. They all want to become like 'zezima' the loser who spends all his time on runescape and has 99 in every skill.

NEWS FLASH: Playing Runescape constantly will not make u a 'superawesome lvl 126 that pwns everyone, even zezima!!!'

It's addicting. Don't be an idiot and read this and then go sign up for an account. You WILL get addicted. The creators of the game, Jagex know this. They use subliminal messaging and promise new updates and stuff that keeps your love of playing the game alive. It's completely ridiculous to even THINK about playing this game. It's not real...duh.

So, tell me, all you Runescape addicts...

What do you get in real life after you max out all your stats in Runescape???


1) *Jimbob* plays Runescape all day. He doesn't eat, sleep, bathe, or leave his room ...EVER. Jimbob is addicted to Runescape.

2) *Mary* just started playing Runescape. She's already a level 94, with at least 89 in all of her skills. Mary started playing Runescape a week ago. Mary is addicted to Runescape, and soon her addiction will grow.

**All names used are fake. I mean, who names their kid Jimbob?

by asdfjkl;freak July 11, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very addictive mmorpg. i myself used to play, but thankfully their game's effect wore off on me. RuneScape is fun to some, but very annoying and stupid to most.
urban def.: a shitty ass, repetive, diarreah inducing game. graphics blow, gameplay is clunky and insecure, and worse, the elements of play have all already been used. furthermore, its LOADED with people who say stupid shit like,"oh nozor! my ammy and my hally r got pwnt! fally is just west of here. rock of zammy pwns" and all kinds of ridiculous shit. dont play this load of horsevomit, and dont let your family either, otherwise they will waste away on the desk and never come outside. its filled with a bunch of dipshit nerds, who talk in leet and think their sooo badass because they "own" you on runescape, even though we all know that the average RS player is that geek in science class who knows every answer, and periodically corrects the teacher. in short, RuneScape blows harder than a french whore on sunday AND hurricane andrew combined. Do not play this evil load of shit game.

SoMErSFAG: hey n00bz0r, you just got pW3nd!
normalperson:hey dumbass, this is called a sidewalk, not your geeky ass computer game.
SoMErSFAG:nublet, you better watch out!my ammy of power is l33t!
normal person: *beats the everliving shit out that douche*

by popwar of DOOM August 20, 2005

65๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


GET OUT AS SOON AS YOU CAN do not play this game. you will remain a social outcast as long as you keep playing this game. not to mention you will fail all your classes because this game is extremely addicting you wont even remember you have a project or paper due. If you don't take my advice you will end up sad lonely working at a factory with a level 136 as your only friend. do yourself and humanity a favor and kill your self if you don't take me seriously. TRUST ME this game IS LIKE CRACK!

successful person: dude have you finished your paper?

runescape player: hurh durh NOP i had to level my character to LVL 135! RUNESCAPE IS AWESOME!

successful person: what a goof..

by asgolaseoruiii February 28, 2010

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Runescape is a MMORPG (Massive Online Role Playing Game) that started a few years ago as a simple, 2-d Java-based game that was F2P (free to play). Since then, it has grown to millions of users with the option of P2P (pay to play).

Here is the common misconception: Runescape DOES NOT ruin your life. Yes, while it may be addicting, the only thing that can ruin your life is YOUR actions and the way YOU perceive things. Anyone that says "Runescape ruined my life" is a liar. They ruined their own life by allowing themselves to become addicted to it. Take my advice before you start to play Runescape, please.

Bob: "Hey Mike, don't play that game Runescape, it will consume your soul and ruin your life"
Mike: "A game cannot ruin you life, only your own actions can"
Bob: Waaaaaaaaaa
Mike: "STFU, n00b!"

by Matthew G. Williams January 4, 2008

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Runescape is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) that I play. I am 14, but I am not annoying, so please don't discriminate against me.

Runescape would be good if it weren't for all the brain dead morons that go around saying "u want fite in wildy" And will follow you around saying "nub" if you refuse, and people that say "by u 2h" and, although that makes no sense, will follow you around saying it until you world hop, knowing that saying "no" or "go away" will result in what I call '"u a nub" bombing'.

Runescape is made by Jagex, a company that is made up of people that disregard your feelings unless you pay them.

Many people hate Runescape because of the stupid morons that play it, but we should be glad for it. If it weren't for Runescape, the morons would go out and buy WoW or Guild Wars (or any good MMORPG)to play, and then they'd be full of the lowly scumbags. 93% of Runescape players don't actually know what a noob is, these are the people that call other people noobs (Although I must add that 67% of statistics are made up on the spot!!). No-one loves them and they're adopted (No offense to adopted people - you're awesome). As a final thing I'll say, I found this website after googling "Runescape is for chumps"!!

Where to begin...
Whilst walking through the wilderness with no armour or weapons, someone about 30 combat levels came up to me and said "u nub" and started attacking me. I ran away, and eventually someone else came and killed the other person
Reason for telling story: So I'm weaker than them. Noobishness is not decide by how many years you waste playing Runescape, it's decided by how understanding of the game you are.

Someone once came up to me and said "I by u 2h 20k". I had a Rune 2h at the time, which is worth around about 55k, so I said "No, it's worth more than that". The guy followed me for about 5 minutes saying "Noob" before I world hopped.
Reason for telling story: It shows how retarded some people are - and that's not the only time I've had something like that happen.

Someone was doing the common scam "Free armour trimming" so, after reporting him, I stood next to him and said "He is a scammer, don't do it. He followed me calling me a noob about 10 times then logged out.
Reason for telling story: Some Runescape players can't handle intelligence.
If you're an intelligent person that plays Runescape, add me. I'm Mrblinkyman.

by Mrblinkyman November 21, 2007

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An unbelievably addicting MMORPG. You can do so many things, such as, chat, trade, fight, mine for rocks, go fishing; you can even farm if you pay to become a member. I was a level 64. I was so addicted to the game I had to get myself scammed/hacked just so I would stop playing.

Normal Kid- Hey, come outside! you've been playing runescape for hours!
Runescape Kid- Nah, get out of my house. MORE RUNESCAPE!

by Superubernoob12321 October 10, 2006

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