An amazing boyfriend, so cute and amazing. I wanna kiss them so much. Ily
"That nerd is so ugly"
"stfu, kys, jump off a bridge, they're sal."
should kiss xen rn and xen very much doesnt know how to tell this is obv not xen typing this
umm idk how to explain him except a 3 foot tall hype beast who has braces and a new pair of 600 dollar sneakers every day. You probably have one of these at your school.
sal stop those aligator shoes are ugly.
Big Ego Small Dick, He likes tall guys, He doesnt like arguing but loves to talk about himself all the time. All he cares is about $$ and he also likes to whine alot and not do anything about it. Loves front wheel drive trucks with 150 hp or less. Still likes haircuts from the the jersey shore episode 1.
My friend just had a sex change done, we call it " He did a Sal"
The hottest man you'll ever see. You can find him on impractical jokers