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Greek Soda

The act of pouring liquid down a persons back so the liquid runs through the crack of their ass while a person lies on floor with their mouth open and drinks the liquid.

Everything was pretty boring last night until Allison started giving out greek sodas.

by Gross Tony March 3, 2008

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College Soda

Beer. Usually the cheapest beer available for college kids (ex. Natty Ice, The Beast)

"Yo, Let's go pound some college soda!"

by dirkdiggler9969 April 24, 2009

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hockey soda

Term for mixing any or all of the available flavors of soda in a soda fountain. Try it!

Dude, I just drank a hockey soda and totally heaved.

by LolcatVTguy February 7, 2017

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pussy soda

When you blind fold a chick pour coke down her pussy.

Monica: Last night, Danny gave me a pussy soda

Abbi: That had to hurt

Monica: YYeah. I hate him now

by fishy20 October 2, 2010

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soda tab

If someone gives you a soda tab with the center ring still in tact it means they think you’re hot.

Joe: Yo that new girl allie is mad hot.

Adam: Bro you should give her a soda tab.

Joe: Heck yeah dude!

by DEEKEE!!!! July 7, 2021

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grape soda

(1) n. A delicious beverage found in the white palms of urban dwellers across the United States.

(2) n. Slang term used to describe those inclined to drink grape soda.

(1) Miles arrived to the anticipated enthusiasm of his ghetto brethren after picking up a sixer of grape soda from the convenience store.

(2) The neighborhood has gone to crap -- I saw a some grape sodas moving into the corner home.

by Webster June 25, 2004

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jones soda


taste like watered down freeze pops that are fizzy .....i know it tottaly rocks!!

rite now (jan 29th 2005 9:09PM) i am enjoying a blue bubble gum jones soda and having an orgasm!!

by CANADA PRIDE January 30, 2005

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