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arse wiping dog shagger

A person who In deeply looks and smells like a shagged wet dog and goes around thinking there all that when they speak from there arse and shag wet dogs

Oh look it's one of those arse wiping dog shaggers.'

by justanotherscottishbolk June 8, 2016

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goat shagger

A Middle Eastener that has an affinity for goats. They usually herd them up in the mountains where they are isolated to the point they start looking good

I believe that guy with the Turbin on his head is a goat shagger

by babysaph August 19, 2021

Shaggers Dick

After participating in numerous penetrative sexual acts in a short space of time, a man can develop shaggers dick. This leaves him with a sensitive feeling around the bellend, as well as possibly some soreness and redness. It is easily cured by not shagging for a few days.

โ€˜โ€™Last weekend was great fun, however I ended up with some real shaggers dick after too many sessions.โ€™โ€™

by homerbellerin October 17, 2021

tree shagger

someone that shag's on a tree.

someone that has sex on a tree is called a tree shagger

by Terry1999 August 24, 2015


Someone who is attracted to a wall e.g. a shower wall. May attach something that gives them pleasure e.g. a pocket pussy and fucks it in the shower.

This may be due to every time someone asks him to do something he has to grovel

Being defined wall shagger grovel: shag my pocket pussy in the shower because I was made to grovel and not given any sex

by Wall shagger January 26, 2020

sheep shagger

Definition: A fucking Legend

A Welsh person who likes to shag sheep for a living

oiiiii you sheep shagger come here

by TwatFaced1 December 17, 2019

sheep shagger

'sheep shagger' is a term often used to refer to welsh people

oh so your a sheep shagger?

by christobell dawn April 10, 2023