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A simp is a guy who prefers to talk to girls who don't like him instead of being with their friends. Most simps are called "Josh, Will or Ryan"

Josh is such a Simp

by iammrmidget March 9, 2020

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A simp is a man who idolizes mediocre pussy but gets nothing in return. The acronym for SIMP spells out suckers who idolize mediocre pussy

Person 1 β€œOmg did you that know jamel was a simp”
Person 2 β€œyeah pretty much everyone knew he simped over girls”

by Not Dylan rooberts January 24, 2020

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Stop simping tara

by Cornutz March 26, 2020

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A kid who goes all out for puss but never gets it. He skips hanging with the boys to be with girls but they all friend zone him. Commonly associated with the name Malakhi.

Friend 1: Malakhi is such a suck up for Taylor’s puss for a year now.
Friend 2: I know right he’s being a simp!

by Macalak February 25, 2020

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tom: i love belle delphine. im so obsessed with her
sam: stfu you simp

by Janis Smith June 27, 2020

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If incels were one extreme. The simps would be the other.

Simp: If I worship women and use personality as an coping mechanism and an argument to berate incels. I'll get hitched in no time!

by It's my fault I got cheated on May 18, 2020

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You are being way too nice to a girl for her to like you

Bob: buys girl a plane
Joe: why did u do that ur not even dating

bob: i know I was being nice

Joe: ur a simp

by swallow a car August 3, 2020

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