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same as guch. Area between the scrotum and the anus. Completely useless, if you think about it.

I hurt me fucking smelly-bridge sliding down the banister

by Paul Fagan March 22, 2004

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Smelly Bag

A unit of Marijuana, sold for fifty Australian Dollars.

Sometimes called a fitty, or a five-O, a twenny twen twen ot twenty bag is referred to as a junior smelly.

by The Werewolf November 22, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


its travis queer hauk

WOw travis smells really bad like onions and garlic poor kid.

by Valerie Willets aka how do you like my overbite December 17, 2004

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Smelly Jew

A hairy, long, curly penis.

"He pulled down his pants and I immediately noticed that he had a Smelly Jew."

by Th3 Ax1s - B3ni70 February 20, 2012

22๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Smelly pie

An individual who gets butthurt when you say something about his/her old YouTube channel. Someone who blocks people on Xbox for doing nothing and plays video games all day without leaving the house. (Daniel Zurichin)

Dang that kid is really being a smelly pie!

by Mario Joyce December 26, 2017

Smelly Pops

When your tummy feels bloated after feeling unwell and you let out a foul smell with a pop sound.

Christopher, your smelly pops are so smelly!

by frube April 9, 2019

smelly man

It is a smelly man.

The smelly man robbed a bank

by DinDinDenisDailyDinDin July 8, 2017