It is a "nerd" school, but not really, sometimes It can get lit af
What school do you go to?
The Dayton Regional STEM School...
Isn't that a nerd school?
No. Shut up Darla.
Working hard for the sake of a pair of tabi’s.
You may be wondering why I’m working so hard. Well, it’s that Margiela tabi-stemmed-motivation.
People usually say "Stem FRP" in Norway after seeing asylum seekers or immigrants commit crimes or immigrant children acting like wannabe gangsters on the street. "Stem FRP" means "Vote FRP" in Norwegian. FRP or the Progress Party is a Norwegian nationalist anti-immigration party.
News Headline: "Asylum seeker from middle east commits crimes"
Users commenting: "stem FRP"
An offset penis that results in an unsucessful attempt at intercourse.
The result of his twisted stem papelboned the relationship until he responded with a spiderman.
An overly confident dude with a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) degree.
Whilst the STEM bro is well-versed in all matters related to investment and performance nutrition, his understanding of all things politics, sociology, arts and culture is sorely lacking. A STEM bro's views on society are often a mere and never-to-be-questioned reflection of his privilege, which he is naturally unaware of.
His confidence carries out to all possible conversation topics, even those he knows nothing about. He is also prone to making obnoxious references to his earning potential.
This guy just wouldn't hear it when I told him his cringy fetish for a particular racial type women was socially contructed and rooted in colonial stereotypes. He was just such a STEM bro.
Marcia's new boyfriend is cute and all, but he's kind of a STEM bro so don't expect riveting conversation about Roe Vs Wade.
Illiterate peasant freshly evolved from homo erectus into a Neanderthal
That Stem Major was such an idiot
Field of study including Science and Math that women who decided to major in gender and race studies and other areas that are not a part of STEM complain and protest that not enough women are majoring in STEM fields... despite the fact they chose not to.
Generally, the blame is attributed to a specific race, gender, and sexuality that dominates the STEM fields that the protesters chose not to enter on their own free will.
The Women's Studies major is upset that more women aren't in STEM fields even though she chose not to enter STEM fields, but she is still 100% certain that her choice not to enter it has nothing to do with women not being in STEM fields.