A person that can eat any number of combinations of foods at once. They can eat and drink strange combinations of foods with out any limitations set by the stomach.
Wow, he eat Chinese, a bag of jelly beans, 3 hot wings and a pizza! He must have a shark stomach!
My stomachs touching dude lets get some chick fil a
The stomach ache and subsequent bathroom incidents associated with being on, or being close to starting, your period. This can interfere with dates, meetings, and especially exercise. The connection between the uterus and bowels remains largely a mystery.
I want to go for a run, but I have period stomach and I don't want to poo my pants.
Whenever your stomach is hungry (usually hungry) or upset.
When the contents inside of your stomach move around it enforces a stomach rumble or two,
Chris: Man, my stomach keeps rumbling! I'm so hungry!
Chris: Man I ate too much pizza, my stomach keeps rumbling!
๐ฆ๐นStOmAcH tEa๐น๐ฆ
I will make you ๐ฆ๐นStOmAcH tEa๐น๐ฆ
When you're anxious and that causes your stomach to churn and you may feel nauseous, or even throw up.
Every time that she had an audition she would have a nervous stomach for hours beforehand.
(1)A feeling in the stomach you get when you're hungry and only eat sweet. (2) A nauseous feeling after eating too much sugar
"I need some real food but I'm not really hungry because i have sweet stomach."
After going to the movies on an empty stomach, the m&ms caused Lily and Rosie to develop a severe case of sweet stomach