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no black swan

The new no homo/ not lesbian. The movie black swan is totally lesbian and nasty, this term is used for the opposite of that (straight and not gay).

My bestie looks hot today & I love her to death, no black swan.

by BJ (; July 4, 2011

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bella swan

a stupid slut who is way out of her league and doesn't deserve Jacob, even though she breaks his heart. i personally wish Victoria just slaughtered her.

Bella Swan needs to be killed by someone already.

by Twilight is my religion x3 March 23, 2008

842๐Ÿ‘ 666๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bella Swan

The main character of the Twilight series. written as exceptionally clumsy with unbelievable bad luck. described to be very beautiful yet highly insecure.

She moves from Phoenix, AZ to Forks WA to live with her father. upon settling in the most sunless peninsula in the United States she meets and falls madly in love with Edward Cullen who is a vampire.

Her incredible bad luck and "mouthwatering sent" attract Edward Cullen thus resulting in a complicated and obsessive relationship.

Through Breaking Dawn, she marries Edward and becomes Bella Cullen.

God i wish i was Bella Swan, shes got beauty and Edward!

Dont trip and pull a Bella Swan.

by TrinityLife September 15, 2008

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Black Swan

Verb. To dramatically wipe ones face off after performing cunnilingus, as seen in the movie "Black Swan" during the sex scene between Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman.

That guy from last night? He totally black swanned me.

by AvidFan1138 January 5, 2011

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red swan

1. an alternative expression to black swan theory
2. a metaphor to unpredictable events attributed to its Chinese origins like Covid-19 pandemic

Donald: The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic is a red swan.
Mickey: Wow, it's made in China!
Donald: That's why I call it, "Chinese virus".

by timlight April 25, 2020

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swan cock

when a chick is suckin u off and ur sitting down she has her neck bent 90 degrees and only bobbing her head up and down like a swan. get her to make funny noises to enhance the experience

hey Zaka, does she give good head man?

bro, she swan cocked me whole man, choked n shit.

by crackinfats January 7, 2009

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Pot Swan

SHUT UP, STUPID! A (Pot Swan) is simply a hearty box car shit in the toilet having toilet paper as fluffy white swan like wings - DUMB ASS!

Any well cultured bowel movement that floats upon the surface of toilet bowl water substantial enough to pose as the body of a particular species of domesticated bowel swan having wings made out of toilet paper that gives the impression of that ready to fly out of the toilet look hence a mature appearing pot swan.

by Swanie River January 5, 2008

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