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what you text someone when you don’t want to type out the word periodt.

girl: omg she is so mean I’m tired of her

other girl: .t !

by maddieb543 January 18, 2020

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A gangsta white honey livin in holiday on da beach yo

t-$ is da shizzle and lives on the beach

by inferno59 May 22, 2008

9πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


a Kirby cat fippin you off mostly used in mmorpgs saying your not gonna get it

NoOb:Dude give me your old robe
Awesomepwner:not gonna happen

by Vampirechic July 11, 2008

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Dead. Many gravestones are in the shape of crosses - crosses are in the shape of β€œt”. Death and β€œt” are one in the same.

(Please note that this β€œt” is used exclusively in lower case - not β€œT”)

Did you hear that he was pronounced t?
I’m going to his funeral, his t party.

by fucko2000 August 1, 2021


Used by junkies to abbreviate "Tina" or commonly known as meth

"Hey, whaTs up? Do you parTy? "

"No. Leave me alone junkie"

by ANohbody June 25, 2022




by Photo relisted meme πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘ November 2, 2022


The 20th letter of the alphabet. It's also the symbol for ton.

Person 1: How much did that garbage truck weigh?
Person 2: 32 T

by cheesguy July 10, 2020