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Shortened from trademark, similar to "fingers crossed". Optimistically saying something, knowing it could very well not happen as hoped for.

"My grades will figure themselves out before the end of the semester. tm."

by One_Dingo April 27, 2021


Stands for toots McGee and is used to describe feeling extremely gassy to the point of where you can’t control the toots.

I am so TM right now, someone give me a GasX.

by TootsMcGee123 August 12, 2022


TM short for “Trouble Maka” , which is a a group of family.

He TM never back down from none.

by tmtoine April 13, 2021


text me

I never see you anymore..tm sometime

by judea.03 May 19, 2019


Acronym for To much

Y’all play TM

by Whatever1314 December 27, 2018


Too much

“Happens way too much” “Nahh she was doing tm.”

by BxE1 June 30, 2023


an abbreviation of “text me

Zoey, tm now!

by num num num March 5, 2020