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My homie ain’t tm hold on

by Kvng Delante June 29, 2020


Abbreviation for the word “tamam” in Turkish which means ok.

🗣“Let’s meet up tomorrow”

🗣“yarın buluşalım”

by Shushhhhhhh April 27, 2022


Shortened from trademark, similar to "fingers crossed". Optimistically saying something, knowing it could very well not happen as hoped for.

"My grades will figure themselves out before the end of the semester. tm."

by One_Dingo April 27, 2021


Stands for toots McGee and is used to describe feeling extremely gassy to the point of where you can’t control the toots.

I am so TM right now, someone give me a GasX.

by TootsMcGee123 August 12, 2022


is the word to describe the action of being gay or annoying towarsd someone, this word can also be used to describe a perso that gives punishments for no reason for example wifi bans.

please dont act like TM

by heizelnut April 29, 2022


To "TM" something is to do/make something for someone else.

Coming from the term Tour Manage.

"Ayup! Can you TM us a brew"

"We need to TM this merch situation"

by Chumba Whumba January 15, 2024


TM short for “Trouble Maka” , which is a a group of family.

He TM never back down from none.

by tmtoine April 13, 2021