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The ultimate center of steriotypes. Steriotyped as unintelligent, obese, and corrupt toward other countries. Of course, there are people like this is in America, but you will find them elsewhere, too. Also catagorized as redneck, demanding, bitchy (in males and females,) and spell terribly, but these are not as common.

Look at that fat American girl over there telling her Dad in a bitchy way how she got an F on her report card in a redneck voice!

Wow, she really gives that country a bad name.

by The American who is mad April 26, 2011

12πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


While several have said the most obvious fat, stupid, wasteful, rich and racist. I'll add a few new ones to all those hateful, ugly comments.
Americans are truly for the most part caring and giving people. Most people wish they could be American. There are thousands, maybe even millions of foreigners who try every year to get that coveted citizenship.
Most are tolerant, but there comes a time when enough is enough, that being said it is almost the norm to bash Americans and if an American show any sense of pride they are labeled a dreaded "Ugly American"
Americans are for the majority the complete opposite of the bible thumping hick stereotype.
Americans are of various races, religions and cultures a young country that is better than the countries who consistently bash them yet ask for our help when their pathetic and lousy asses can't get their shit together!
Americans can handle being called every negative name in the book by citizens of countries that are suppose to be allies. Some of these foreigners are in the US spouting their hate and they wonder why we don't like them????
It seems as if being a "super" power is not so super. If it means dealing with bs like anti-american rants. Americans just plain kick ass. It is just fact. Anyone who is an American basher is nothing but a lowlife piece of trash who only wishes they could be the shit coming out of an Americans ass. To those Americans who are ashamed of being American go fuck yourself. And to the other Americans keep Rockin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.This kicks ass!! This is American!
2.Oh no! My country is in trouble! we need help call an American!

by mori10 February 17, 2008

107πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž


In animation:

Re-Written or re-edited to be suited with an American audience in mind. Contrary to popular myth, this does not mean making something worse. However, if something was never good to begin with, then the editing process may do a favor only in not glorifying activities which ought to be illegal all over the world indisputably. It protects all viewers (not just American children) from senseless, stupid glorification of pure evil.

However, defending viewers from the shallowness and near-criminal perversion of the original incarnation does not promise that the edited end product will be good; only that it is less terrible, and therefore, more offensive to perverted snobs who think man-on-man porn should be viewed by toddlers - and then practiced on them!

Americanization of foreign animation often does something to original content that is a dis-service: over-simplifying the themes of the original. The need to conform things to a very simplistic GI Joe vs. Mad Scientist/Neo-Nazis format is a narrative tradition that formed after WWII, and traces of it remain in American writing today as die-hards.

In most anything else:

Altering something foreign to the US to make it more practical and digestible to American consumers. (Or depending on what gets altered, making it more universally edifying or better suited to anyone anywhere with any ounce of self-respect.)

Power Rangers is an Americanized reinterpretation of the Super Sentai. It is better, not worse, in the sense that it does not glorify lifting up skirts or grabbing breasts (sexual harassment) as the Super Sentai does. (Beware of anyone who prefers the pro-harassment content - they might live in your neighborhood and have predatory eyes on your sister!) But it dumbs down the evil characters and over-dubs poorly-written dialog in the place of the original dialog.

Americanized food packaging is easier on the eyes of anyone who is not from the Far East. But with extra preservatives in the food, the health improvements are debatable.

by ObscuredOne February 18, 2008

16πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Someone whose weight is higher than his IQ

-Look mum, a thin American!
-That isn’t possible!

by FoldTheBald December 1, 2020

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Technically, Americans are simply people from the Americas- i.e. North America or South America. Very commonly used specifically to people from the USA.

The United States of America is probably one of the most bashed countries, if not the #1 most bashed. Many people say Americans are ignorant, overweight, rude, etc. First off, yes, some are, that's true... but not everyone from there! Most people who comment in this way about Americans have really never even been to the US nor met an American. Or, someone meets an American that is a prick and then goes off and takes it all out on every American. That sure is fair.

Look, an American, he's from the Americas!

by Mowry136 August 30, 2014

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Someone who loves oil...

β€œThere’s an AMERICAN over there!!! They’re going to bomb my rice fields!!”

by TheBigBlyat January 31, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


An American can be someone from either north or South America, but is most commonly associated with citizens of the USA

An American is someone from the USA. Aka, someone who does not know how to spell or speak English correctly. They are also annoying. And nonces.

1. a) I’m an American. I live in the USA.

b)I’m an American. I live in North America
2. They spelt colour without the u. They must be American

by September 15, 2020

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž