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Dairy Queen

A dairy queen is a homosexual man with an unhealthy obsession with female breasts.

No one ever questioned the fact that Bill was a homosexual, yet we all found his obsession with fondling the breasts of his female friends peculiar. Grazes, motorboats and gropes... it was clear. Bill was a "Dairy Queen" if there ever was one.

by Carl Jeppson January 5, 2014

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Hot Dairy

hot dairy is a minced oath for the popular phrase "hot damn"

Person 1: I got an A on that test!

Person 2: Hot Dairy!

by daviebyrne January 29, 2012

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Dairy Cue

dairy cue is the female whom a male ultimately sexually desires, and rates other females in accordance to his dairy cue.

"holy shit jessy's hot!"
"but not as hot as veronika!"
"yeh, veronika's my fuckin' dairy cue"

by LoganJosh21 January 7, 2008

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Dairy Queen

When a guy ejaculates in a cup, freezes it, and someone eats it.

Dude my I gave my girlfriend a tasty dairy queen

by l333tsp33k February 12, 2010

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Dairy maid

1) A younger woman who milks cows.
2) The "nice" way of telling someone that they're old and lonely
3) The clever insult
4) My sister

1) I think that I'll marry that dairy maid
2) Mom, your a dairy maid
3) Your a stupid fucking dairy maid. You'll never go anywhere in life!
4) You'll call me a cunt scab, I'll call you a dairy maid. Why? Because you'll sit on me.

by BeBold.. July 11, 2008

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Dairy Intelligent

Smart people with an allergy to dairy foods.

dude, you're so dairy intelligent!

by kneeface June 14, 2011

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Dairy Queen

A selfish little bitch, who won't give you a fucking refund no matter how much you deserve it. Even when she fucking spills it all over your pants when she flips the blizzard over to show you how cool they are. AND THEY WERE FUCKING NICE PANTS TOO! fuck man....

"I know the feel, man.."

by The Motha' Fucking Dairy King April 18, 2016

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