Brad Pitt is a slang term used to describe something that is “rad” or “dope.”
Johnny: “Ayo, Tommy got a (brad pitt) girlfriend bruh.”
Jackson: “She’s mad fine bruh, SHEESH.”
dude 1, i like brad pit
dude 2, fr?
dude 1, yea
dude 2, sick
dude 1, cool
dude 2, brad pitt is a good acotr
she is the most funny smart and moody girl I've ever met. she can make me smile by just looking at me she has the most beautiful teeth they match her face so well shes mine. to whoever is seeing this. shes ems always and forever no matter what. shes my first everything except kiss but shes just so wonderful. i love her so so so so much - your first love, Em.
have you seen Re'Mya Pitts i heard shes taken by Em!!
A midget your lover or wife would leave you for.
Guy's wife- Fuck this shit, I'm going to be with my five foot nothing brad pitt.
Ricardinho Pitt is the name of the legend, that there is somewhere in this world a man so manly, so alpha male and so beautiful that he can penetrate woman's vulvas just by thinking about it. Legend says, he has the highest body count the world has ever seen, making Rasputin look like an absolute amateur.
His morning ritual is to send his screening Instagram messages to countless females around the area, looking for another chance to fool them into thinking he is the man of their children, when in reality, he's the highest form of a gigolo.
This extraordinary creature has never before seen ability to mate with the ugliest females, even when sober. Lastly, Ricardinho Pitt is a man who will not tolerate other man's lack of manlihood.
Girl: "Hi"
Guy: "I think I'm gonna Ricardinho Pitt her..."
A guy that looks about as much like Brad Pitt as I look like Tom Cruise.
If that guy is the French Brad Pitt, I must be like the Colin Farrell of the South or somebody like that, even though Colin Farrell thinks I am prettier than that man.
A title where you don't have to look or be anything like the other guy to have.
The French Brad Pitt might as well be the French Shaquille O'Neal, why not?