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steamed beaver

When you find a beaver and steam it up nice and good, then dip it in some mayonnaise.

I'ma gonna eat me a steamed beaver.

by Hocobo June 9, 2015

Satan Steam

The smell of a deadly fart after eating White Castle or Mexican food.

Brad cheated on his wife Amy, once she found out she went out and ate at White Castle. After hours of eating she came home and sat on his pillow and Satan Steam poured out of her ass. When Brad got home from work he went straight to bed, once his head touched the Steamed pillow he threw up all over himself.

by SatanHasSteamed1 February 16, 2014

steaming hound

Similar in nature to "titty fucking," but using butt cheeks instead of breasts. So named because "Steaming Hound" could be synonymous with "Hot Dog." The "weiner" being placed between the "buns" thus leads to the name "steaming hound."

1.) "Hey, last night I met this chick with a huge ass. She wouldn't let me do anal, but she asked for the ol' Steaming Hound."

2.) "My girlfriend doesn't have any breasts for titty-fucking, so we have to go around the corner for the Steaming Hound."

by Mudhole May 5, 2007

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Steam Drama

When a person, generally somebody on your Steam friends list but not limited to it, takes to the activity feed and has a complete mental meltdown by posting bat-shit crazy nonsense that sees them ranting and raving and frothing at the mouth like a complete lunatic. As the nucleus of this toxic person starts to implode they will try to bring other well-meaning Steam friends into the implosion. Steam Drama often results in said crazy person being removed and blocked on most people's friends lists who happen to share the person causing all the drama.

Ceph totally lost his shit last night on Steam and posted the most toxic bs ever thereby causing the Steam drama to end all Steam drama. I advise you stay away from this poisonous queen.

by Sleeperparadise January 3, 2017

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Steaming Genie

When a guy is doing a chick up the ass, right after he blows his load, she yells "Make a wish, bitch!" and blows out a mist of cum and shit all over him.

He was stunned when she said she wanted anal, but even more so when the screw ended up with a Steaming Genie.

by Anlah Halle Aislynne Ozone January 16, 2009

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pussy steam

When you go down on a girl and her pussy gets so wet that it fogs up your glasses.

After going down on my girlfriend I have to wipe all the pussy steam off of my glasses. Nastaayyyy

by Zack Hiri February 9, 2009

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steaming volcano

a particularly large poo that goes from the bottom of the bowl up and out of the water, resembling a steaming volcano

Careful in there, I left a steaming volcano.

by rick March 18, 2003

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