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fame thirst

Someone who obsesses over becoming famous. fame, Youtuber, You-tube, thirsty, fame whore, internet personality, infamous, popular, brand, branding, fifteen minutes of fame

That guy has so much fame thirst, it detracts from his brand.

by joecoolthefool June 14, 2019

Thirst Trad

A young, attractive woman (or can be a man too) who is part of conservative and/or more traditional spaces who speaks against the ills of feminism, is seemingly pro-life and dislikes the modern dating scene, yet simultaneously posts thirst traps on their social media accounts to gain more attention and a following from both men (or women) who “like” what she has to say and/or other women (or men) who will validate their beauty and endeavors and message…

Conservative Guy: did you see Emily’s speech at the youth summit? It was amazing!

Based Conservative Girl: she only got that spot because she’s a thirst trad

Conservative Guy:….

by Boston_bunny613 September 10, 2023

thirst music

music that makes you thirsty and not for water ;)

"Is that the 50 shades soundtrack?"
"Yes, How did you know?"
"Thats so real thirst music!"

by thethirsttrain April 16, 2015

Thirst Magician

Somebody who creates thirst through magic, to make old men fall for them.

I am not such a thirst magician that Gary would want to come dance with me.

by Slinky Toast February 16, 2020

Thirst Line

A lineup of girls that you only talk to when the Thirst hits.

Joey: Dang Marc who was that girl you were getting last night!!??
Marc: Ah she's old news she is a member of my Thirst Line.

by Gotyeeee April 14, 2016


When you have a crush on an actor(or just like them) and watch literally every series, tv show, and anything the actor has been in.

This weekend I did some severe thirst-watching of Timothee Chalamet.

by fartexploder December 30, 2022

thirst typing

When someone is so horny on a camsite whatever they type looks like they mashed their dick on the keyboard until it looked like words.

Examples of "Thirst Typing":
i mrstrbte 4u
u wan sum fukkk??

by mehgysgsh July 24, 2017