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Bonghalation Therapy

To calm one's nerves with a bong.

"Dude!...I'm stressing!...It's time for bonghalation therapy!"

by Lord Blasto February 23, 2008

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Retail Therapy

1. An idiot's way of dealing with an idiotic problem.

2, One of the most moronic notions bestowed upon humankind that simply buying some frivolous mass-produced good can alleviate one's mood or take away a bad feeling caused by a REAL problem, when in fact buying some random product will do nothing about the actual problem but MAY induce an hour's worth of distraction which is enough for people who have the attention span and memory of a chipmunk.

1. Omg, like my friend totally didn't text me back and I've been waiting for 2 minutes!! I'm totally gunna go to the mall and blow up my credit card now to ease this PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN. FML!!!

2. Omg!! I just found out I have a Sexually Transmitted Disease and it's like sooooOOoo gross. I need some retail therapy!!! *30 min. later* This dress is so cute... why was I upset again??

by hoopladoopla December 23, 2010

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occupational therapy

A term used by the Occupational Therapy Profession which confuses the masses, but means: the facilitation of and application of volitional activity to promote wellbeing. Perhaps it should be re-named volitional activity therapy.

1. Going on holiday to have a break because you have been working too hard.

2. Helping somebody who has experienced an injury or illness find new ways to carry out activities that he or she wishes to, that he or she would otherwise have difficulties with due to the effects of the injury or illness.

3. Choosing a vocation that increases your sense of self-worth.

4. Creative activities that give one a sense of pleasure or achievement which contribute to ones wellbeing.

by Venth May 2, 2005

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Group Therapy

A gathering of three or more Lifetime friends.

I can barely hear you over the sobbing din of Group Therapy at the next table.

by Madame Sosostris June 29, 2006

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Shotgun Therapy

The only know treatment for "Furryitis", Shotgun Therapy is performed by inserting the barrel of a shotgun into the Furry's mouth and pulling the trigger. Although the treatment has a 100% percent success rate in eliminating the Furry, it's Human host almost never survives the procedure. Shotgun Therapy was invented by Dr. RocketJesus666, MD, in 2010 and was first successfully preformed by him in 2011.

Bob: Hey Ted, did you hear what happened to Steve?

Ted: No, what happened?

Bob: He got Furryitis from 4Chan and had to get Shotgun Therapy.

Ted: Awww, I'll miss Steve, he was a nice guy, but I guess it's for the best.

by Rocket Jesus June 28, 2011

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Bite Therapy

Biting someone when they are continually complaining of something, particularly a pain. Closely related to Punch Therapy.

Rob, lying next to Sophie: My leg is hurting so much from when I tripped over yesterday.
Rob: OUCH! Why did you bite me?
Sophie: Just applying some Bite Therapy... made you forget that damn leg you keep whining about!

by hsan2 December 28, 2022

talk therapy

A place where you go to lean in a couch or (even worse) lie flat on a surface, allowing your spine to drift into dissociation while babbling on and on about the same trauma patterns recurring via different manifestations in your life every week so that you get that momentary release only to be sucked back into the patterns the next week all in service of being a line item of $250 per hour in the revenue charts of the Western Medicine business model that wants your patterns to continue so that it could keep minting $$$

I've been feeling very embodied lately and really miss the good old dissociative blabbering days so I booked a talk therapy session to experience that.

by funnychiron July 5, 2023