Badger mode is a noun describing the state in which someone goes absolutely crazy, filled with adrenaline. Usually caused by an onset of determination and/or motivation. Similar to the anger filled animals called badgers.
Jason went absolutely Badger Mode and slaughtered all of the slugs!
A bitch who thinks he is sneaky as fuck but everyone knows about his doings.
Jose is the biggest sketchy badger!
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In the theatrical world, actors will attempt to reflect modern society and the animal world by dressing up as a modern badger. To look truly authentic in this role the actor must combine the wearing of a leather jacket with stick-on whiskers.
I went to see a great play last night, and was swept away by one young girl whose depiction of a modern badger was quite superb.
An alcoholic beverage consisting of Mountain Dew Amp energy drink and whiskey. After consuming several of these, one gains a honey badger level of not giving a shit and an overall feeling of invincibility. Morning after side effects include but are not limited to: total memory loss, feeling as if a King Cobra had bitten your entire body over and over again, and stomach issues from consuming gross amounts of unknown foods that you would normally not eat. Orgin of the term comes from "bros" that consume the beverage and compared it to actually drinking the blood of a honey badger to gain the feeling of everyday honey badger life.
Bro 1: "Bro, what the hell happened last night?"
Bro 2: "What happened? You drank to much badger blood and decided to make out with Rick's girlfriend, buy shots for 15 random broads, fight a hawk in a farm field and then proceeded to consume 4 beefy crunch burritos while screaming at a wall."
roudy badger is a badger on a mission to mess your shit up with its millitant attitude .these badgers are not to be messed with they usally only attack forest dwellers/campers but have been known to attack randoms!There only kown habbitat is freshwater !WARNIG these badgers can open zips.
punch those roudy badgers through the tent!
did you see the look in those roudy badgers eyes!
The act of Masterbating over someones Facebook Picture.
Guy 1: Im sorry man but i once strangled a badger over your Girlfriends Facebook....
Guy 2: WHY!!!!!!
Guy 3: Strangle a badger? I may try this out.
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1. When you randomly slap a persons keyboard. The more damage you cause the better. Bonus points if you manage to: Turn of the computer, Restart the computer, Change the language, or anything else that can be a nuisance.
2. When someone lets their hand marinade in their own genital sweat (and possibly fluids) Then proceeds to slap a person with the hand and rub it across said persons face.
1. "oh dude I just badger tapped that guys laptop"
"What happened?"
"I restarted his computer and changed it to chinese"
2. "Dude I just badger tapped Jason"
"Oh dude, don't get close to him for the rest of the day"
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