Men with the phattest ear lobes, and a strange obsession with CVS cards and Elsword
Hey Phrank have you seen Ean Watts
-Yea bro his lobes are so fat
Lola Watts is a dutty wench and a witch.
Lola Watts is a dutty wench and a witch.
A piece of bullshit who has a tiny penis.
People always call him gay and a piece of crap.
Tommy Watts is shit
A piece of bullshit who has a small penis.
He is always called gay and crap.
Tommy Watts is gay
Your Watt-Karma is positive to the extent you preserve the energy state of your world, such that your actions do not cause energy resources such as fuels to be used.
Causing cars to stop by abusing your right to enter a crosswalk robs the cars of thousands of watts of momentum energy. The drivers will have to restore their cars’ momentum by converting gasoline into polluting gasses. You will have to restore your Watt-Karma by coming back as a pollution-consuming microbe.
a very pretty person and she always denies it but it is 100% true 😼