"Being completely deranged, hysterical and seeing racism/oppression in virtually everything."
--Paul Joseph Watson
Mathematics be racist. White milk, too. Get woke, yo!
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When someone thinks he/she is cool and popular however they are an annoying fuck. Generally with few friends.
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"Wokeness" occurs when a white, upper-class person pretends to hold opinions they imagine a black lower-class person might hold. The word itself is an incorrect tense of "awake" - referring to the perception that the black working class have a poor grasp of grammar.
The opinions that are simulated typically stem from a misunderstanding of the tendency for black working-class people to be slightly more economically left-wing and socially conservative than average - instead they are imagined to be socially left-wing, and often logically inconsistent.
"How woke are you? Take our quiz to find out, then give us your email address so we can send you adverts for kale smoothies"
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When you look at the simplest thing and call it racist because you want black people to be victims. Other minorities don't matter. - a black conservative
Liberal: Look at this white guy with dreads! Racist!
Smart Person: How is that racist? If anything you're racist for saying white people can't have dreads?
Liberal: I'm just woke! Conservatard! Nazi!
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Wokeness is the politicisation of Ethnicity, Gender, Nationality and Race to utilise them as debate tools agaisnt the political opposition of the political movement using it. Used nearly solely by the political left.
The labour party is a prime example of wokeness.
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A word meant to replace the word enlightened usually used by people who were brainwashed by the Illuminati or is a part of the Illuminati cult. The word is usually used in reference to a fictional 8-year-old child, usually claimed to be their own biological child, in unusual and extreme political bias that the child supposedly said that is meant to sound intelligent. Unfortunately, if the child is real it points to the possibility that a few children may have been politically abused by the propaganda and dogma that their parents believe something of which was caused by fake news.
My woke 8-year-old child just told me how afraid he is of our new president because our new president is going gas us all just like the Nazis did to the Jews. All who voted for Trump are Nazi worshiping white supremacist murders.
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