A beautiful loved cherished missed daughter ,interest from every angle of the world, that can only be Admired and loved by her parents, Kerrie Marie Thomas and Jimmy Anthony Reeves we love you darling so much so so so so so so much 07760413121
Isn't she Interest Admire Stacy Marie Reeves? child of KezaBash?
Same as rear admiral, but performed while the man is engaged in anal sex with the woman.
This is a pun on the naval grades of rear admiral (lower half) and read admiral (upper half) which are equivalent to an army/marine/air force brigadier general and major general respectively.
Light brown stains with red sprinkles testified to my first successful completion of a Rear Admiral (Upper Half) in the lobby of the motel 6.
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A pyronecrobeastiphiliac who exudes unusually large quantities of gas, which when done simultaneously may result in massive explosions.
Timmy: Do you see that mushroom cloud over there?
Billy: Holy shit! Someone must have been having sex with burning dead baby animals while farting again.
Timmy: It must have been a Rear Admiral Poesh Dog Square Pants.
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Its like the Mile High club, but your initiation needs to be performed on a ship at least 3 Nautical Miles from land
Jared: “Bro Jenny and I joined the the Admirals Club last weekend”
Eric: “the Admirals Club?”
Jared: “yeah, its like the mile high club but you’re gettin’ it on a ship”
Something that leaves you in awe of somebody.
What the guy did was almost admirable. I could lie and say i was in awe, or that i did have a great admiration of him to gain something from it like many people do, but i'm not gonna do that if I'm really not.
Something that leaves you in awe of somebody.
What the guy did was almost admirable. I could lie to him and say that I was in awe of him, or had a great admiration (or respect for) of him to gain something out of it, but I'm not gonna do that if I'm really not in awe of him.
The best damn guy on the internet! Most knowledgeable "AvGeek" in Matt's discord server and known for giving "Boops" of affection when he likes someone... Also sucks at spelling. If he requests a biscuit from fellow discord users... Then a biscuit he shall revive.
Guy #1: "Hey did you see that fight in Matts discord? Admiral Boop owned it! Hes the best damn guy on the internet!!"
Guy #2: "If you want to talk planes go see Admiral Boop"
Admiral Boop: "Boop"