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Fire Ants

One of the greatest bugs to grace the Earth. They are a benevolent species above all others.

The glorious fire ants are coming.

by SnartSnart June 4, 2018

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Ant Squirters

Nipples that point towards the ground (ants are usually on the ground). Commonly found on female breast that aren’t perky or men with man boobs.

β€œLook at her ant squirters”
β€œAt what age did they turn into ant squirters?”
β€œI hope my boobs never turn into ant squirters”

by RT86 April 8, 2018

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fire ants

1.when someone gets razor burn on their pub line and there's alot of red spots.

i got fire ants after shaving last week

by Diljon November 27, 2007

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fire ants

the most annoying insect in the state of Florida if the no-see-ums and mosquitos pretty much leave you alone

Agh! I just stepped in a nest of fire ants and my hand feels like it's burning up!

by grimreeker December 6, 2008

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piss ant

An insolent or insignificant person; a peon; a nobody.

Little person with big attitude

A punk kid with a finance degree straight out of college interviewing a CPA MBA for a controller job.

Eddie is such a little piss ant, look at him thinking he is the shit and interviewing people older than him with more credentials and experience.

by Fast Gardy April 17, 2009

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ant meehan

the man; one of the guitar players in the band Veritas

person a - "yo man did you see that last Veritas show?"
person b - " yeah man, Ant Meehan is the shit!"

by jointheinsanity February 19, 2008

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Bugger Ant

When having anal relations and the penetrating penis is so small it causes more of a stinging sensation, like that of a biting ant, rather than full on penetration satisfaction.

Woman: I had a bugger ant last night.

by Johnny Cumlately August 7, 2006

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