likes milfs, skating, music and playing videogames!
he will probably ask you for a lighter, cause he lost his or he broke his!
sometimes he is kind but sometimes he is an asshole
Anton the guy who skates, smokes and probably likes your mom?
NPC born and living in Ohio, secret Ohio final boss, stay away from NPC Anton
The Ohio final boss was ‘Anton’
just admit ur in love with bleep bleep already we all know it we all know the way u started at her at fall fling mhm mhm we all know you’ve been in love with her for over a year mhm mhm stop being bold on text and a coward in person
oh em gee anton is such a cunt
Fat farmer with cows that likes to eat food.
Anton forgot to feed his cows the other day now his mom fucks him
A yalam goblin which lives a pathetic live
Every body , stay away from anton