something a dumb bitch would say. frick you.
i love auto tomato
Cute little thing you get from your fam jam
Look what a cute little auto man i got from my fam jam
When the Auto-Correction feature on your cell phone decides to enter random, wrong words which in turn results in the text receiver to become confused.
1: typing "Bahaha that is funny" and your phone's Auto-Correction puts in "Bahamas that is funny", turning what should be Auto-Correction into Auto-Confusion
2: typing "I just fell down and it was hilarious" and your phone's Auto-Correction puts "I just fell download anderson it was hilarious", turning what should be Auto-Correction into Auto-Confusion
Leaving items in your hot vehicle to kill any Corona virus.
When I get back from the store I leave my stuff in my hot vehicle for some auto-claving to kill any Corona virus.
Press button to jizz every 5 minutes
I like to auto nut on a daily basis
The process of unconsciously throwing oneself away from something, often happens when electrocuted.
“Dude! Are you okay?! You got electrocuted!”
“Yeah, don’t worry, I auto-yeeted away from the wire so I only crashed into a wall.”
Runaway viral autonomy; it's when AI/generative/LLM/etc. autonomously executes or creates words, code, images or actions that are detrimental and continues to rapidly replicate and disseminate it automatically.
Ever since that AI went auto viral, none of the gas pumps are working anymore!