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Beany Boiler

n. Female follower of vegan diet, when in a state of advanced sexual frustration.

"Holy shit! Did you see the evil look she just gave me for eating a burger?"

"Yeah dude, she's a beany boiler for sure..."

by hippyad/jimiffondu September 14, 2008

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fettucini beanie

A fettuccini beanie is when you grab a chick with stringy flat blond hair and cum in said woman's hair and then swoop it around her head making a fettuccini beanie

fettucini beanie

by Bedroombusternut February 2, 2016

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scenie beanie

A person who's in love with the next best person, place, or thing until others have been informed of it's existence and/or importance.

Person A: "Dave says there's this new album you have to listen to before you go to the show we were invited to on Friday night."

Person B: "He's such a scenie beanie. I've never heard of this band OR this bar. Am I talking to the wrong people?"

by GeThaLedOut October 22, 2011

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bum beanie

when someone has got their head shoved so far up their ass that they are wearing their bum as a beanie.

(guy is parked at a green light)
driver behind - (beeps horn) stop wearing your bum beanie!

by natnatnat_ April 14, 2008

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beanie baby

a baby mexican.

has nothing to do with ex

dayum that is one ugly-ass beanie baby.

by Sparrowdog February 1, 2006

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beany cheese

an insult where chavs do not understand a word you say but still think that they are better than you i.e starting on you, kickin bread at you, farting ect ect. or a random thing that can make a select few cry with laughter in the right place and the right time. it can also infuriate and aggrivate almost everyone else who doesnt find it funny. chavs are gay. they have sweaty bum fun listenin to usher and r n b crap. chavs have no nobs. chavvettes have nobs. they are gay.

chav: *oi prick u wana get smacked up*
you * BEAN!*

beany beany cheese!
*you getting slapped*

by benibobs March 2, 2005

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douche beanie

The douche beanie is an article of clothing frequently worn by hipsters and their cousins the Weremoling. A douche beanie is a hat which is shaped like a fedora, but with a much smaller brim and should never be confused with the masculine version of the douche beanie (the fedora). Douche beanies can be seen on A list stars or the simple douche bag hipsters so common to cities. No hipsters wardrobe is complete without one.

The douche beanie can be seen in one episode of the office, on Justin Bieber and mannequins in high end hipster clothing stores.

by Jack Magnum, Weremo hunter April 26, 2014

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